Dreams That You Should Never Discuss With Anyone

Dream science, also known as Swapan Vigyan, holds that dreams are significant and have an impact on your life. It's been said that dreams are a reflection of our lives, reflecting the circumstances in which we find ourselves.

According to specialists in Swapan Vigyan (dream science), some dreams have the potential to influence your financial situation either favorably or unfavorably. It is in our nature to share our dreams with our close ones. Dream scientists and other experts, however, disagree that you should share your dreams with anyone.


The expert says that since dreams are associated with meaning, you shouldn't share your dreams with your friends or family. However, sharing those fortunate or optimistic dreams with others may have the opposite effect. If you share dreams with others, they could turn out to be destructive rather than beneficial, such as dreams that could bring good fortune or financial gains.

In this article, we'll discuss a list of dreams that, in the opinion of Swapan Vigyan, we should keep to ourselves.

5 Dreams That You Should Never Discuss With Anyone

Swapan Vigyan (Dream science) expert advises to not share some dreams with others since they might disclose your vulnerabilities or personal secrets. Here are a few instances:

Seeing God In Dream

Dream science says that seeing God in your dream indicates that you will soon receive good news about your career. Telling anyone about such a dream is strictly forbidden, or else the chance might simply vanish.

Urn Filled With Silver

Swapan Vigyan say that seeing an urn or pot full of silver in your dreams indicates that Goddess Lakshmi will bless you. This type of dream suggests that you will have prosperous days ahead of you. By sharing these dreams with others, Lakshmi returns home.

See Fruit Orchard

In the event that you dream of a fruit garden suggests that you might receive some very positive news very soon. This indicates financial gains, according to dream science. The expert claim that sharing such a dream result in loss rather than gain.

Giving Water To Your Parents In Dream

Dream science states that if you are giving your parents water in your dream, it indicates that you will soon grow and advance in your life. However, you run the risk of having your advancement impeded if you share this kind of dream with anyone.

Dreams That You Should Never Discuss With Anyone

Seeing One's Own Death In A Dream

Death in dreams may represent transformation or the end of a specific stage going in your life. Death-related dreams may represent the need for introspection, awakening, or personal development. Do not discuss dreams in which you see your own death or the death of another person with anyone. If not, the happiness that is going to enter the house is significantly affected.

Remember, that some dreams are intended for introspection and personal development rather than for public revelation, according to astrology. Sharing personal and intimate dreams could have an effect on your well-being, relationships, or reputation.

Final Words

According to Swapn Vigyan, or "Dream Science," dreams are considered divine messages from the subconscious that offer guidance and symbolism for self-realization and personal development. It is believed that dreams have the power to predict not only our deepest desires, feelings, and fears, but also future events. Dreams provide us access to our inner knowledge and the collective consciousness, which, in the words of Swapn Vigyan, can aid in our spiritual development.

Understanding one's true feelings, thoughts, and behaviors through dream interpretation can help one advance in life. It is believed that dreams serve as a conduit for divine communication. By deciphering the meaning and lexicon of dreams, one can unlock the secrets of their destiny and potential. It is therefore said that you should never tell anyone about every dream you have.


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