Hindu Rules Of Fasting: 10 Things To Avoid While Fasting

Fasting is a common practice in Hinduism. Fasting is a time of spiritual reflection and purification of our body, mind, and soul.  The food decisions made at this time are meant to help achieve these objectives. The limitations are consistent with the fasting concept of purifying the body and mind. Individuals choose a "satvik" diet that is high in purity and low in foods with intense flavors or scents.

While dietary guidelines for fasting can differ between people and cultures, there are some foods that are generally avoided. Some people adhere to extra dietary restrictions because of their regional or cultural customs. Today, we're going to provide you a list of ten things that you should not do or consume while fasting.


In The Context Of Hinduism, What Does Fasting Mean?

Hinduism considers fasting as a spiritual discipline that entails giving up food and liquids. Hinduism's views on fasting include the following:

-  Fasting Is Not An Obligation: In Hinduism, people are free to choose whether or not to fast.

- Purification And Spiritual Development: It is thought that fasting aids in the body and mind's purification, promoting self-discipline and spiritual growth.

- Different Types Of Fasting: In Hinduism, there are several types of fasting, from modest dietary restrictions to total abstinence from all foods and beverages.

- Fasting On Specific Days: Hindus observe fasts on Tuesdays, Fridays, and other designated days of the week or month, as well as on special occasions like Navratri, Ekadashi and Shivratri.

- Avoiding To Consume Particular Foods: Some Hindus observe fasts by refraining from eating certain foods or ingredients, like citrus fruits, grains, and salt.

- Fasting For Spiritual And Health Benefits: It's said that fasting can improve one's digestion and general health in addition to having spiritual benefits like developing a closer relationship with the divine.

- Charity And Compassion: Fasting can foster compassion and empathy for the hungry, as well as promote altruism and food sharing.

Why Do We Observe Fasts?

Hinduism observes fasts for the following reasons:

- To Gain A Deeper Understanding Of God: It is thought that fasting facilitates the opening of a channel between the individual spirit and the Supreme Spirit.

- To Gain Heavenly Grace Via Mind And Bodily Purification: It is thought that fasting does this.

- To Commemorate Rituals Or Religious Holidays: During many Hindu holidays, such as Navratri, Janmashtami, and Shivratri, fasting is performed.

- To Increase Endurance: It is thought that fasting maintains physical health for a long life.

- To Train The Body And Mind: It is thought that fasting trains the body and mind to persevere in the face of adversity and never give up.

10 Things To Avoid While Fasting


The following ten things are forbidden in Hinduism during fasting:

- Grains And Pulses: During fasting, cut off grains and pulses such as rice, wheat, and lentils from your diet.

- Onion And Garlic: Since they are thought to increase passion and dull the mind, avoid eating onion and garlic during the fasting period.

- Non-Vegetarian Food: Meat and fish, as well as eggs, are examples of non-vegetarian cuisine that should be strictly avoided during fasting.

- Alcohol And Smoking: During the fasting time, it is not permissible to consume any form of tobacco or alcohol.

- Processed And Packaged Foods: Steer clear of highly processed or packaged foods in favor of homemade and fresh cuisine.

- Iodized Salt: During the Navratri fast, use rock salt (Sendha Namak) in place of ordinary table salt.

- Overuse Of Oil And Spices: Reduce the amount of oil and spices you use when cooking. Simple, mildly seasoned foods are preferred.

- White Sugar: Steer clear of white sugar during fasting. Instead, use substitutes sparingly, such as jaggery or honey.

- Mindless Indulgence: Moderate your eating habits and exercise self-control. It is improper to use fasting as a justification for overindulging in fried and sugary foods.

- Negative Speech, Behavior, And Thoughts: Refrain from negative speech, behavior, and thoughts in addition to not eating. Throughout fasting period, cultivate kindness and optimism.

Final Words

You can maintain your purity and energy levels during the period of fasting by abstaining from the above-listed foods and activities. Fasting is an option if you want to harmonize with the spiritual importance in addition to cleansing your body. Please feel free to comment in the space provided below with your opinions on this piece of writing.


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