Difference between God and devil? Who is more powerful?

The concept of God can be described based on one’s culture and religion, therefore, there is no definite answer to this which makes it more complex. However, God is described as a supreme being who has created every single being in this universe, as per many religions. He is said to be the sole creator of this universe who possess such great powers that are beyond human’s imagination.

On the other hand, devil is complete opposite, the one who seeks for destruction and submission. Certain religions portray the Devil, often known as Satan, as God's rival. There are numerous traditions that claim the God and Devil are in competition for souls. They debate about the ongoing battle between good and evil on a global scale. Good is represented by God, and evil by Satan. We need to understand God in order to gain insight into the devil. We will talk about the differences between God and the Devil in this on-going blog.


Difference between God and Devil?

Various nations, faiths, and belief systems have various conceptions of God and the devil. But in many Western faiths, such as Islam, Judaism, and Christianity, God and the devil are frequently portrayed as completely opposite entities with unique traits:


·       God is commonly portrayed as an all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-good being.

·       He is also linked to qualities like forgiveness, love, compassion, and mercy.

·       Him is also regarded as the creator of the universe and humankind.

·       God is also regarded as a source of moral authority, guidance, and wisdom.

·       Some other common names of God are Holy Spirit, Jesus, Brahma, Krishna, Almighty Father, Bhagwan, Jehovah, Trimurti, Ganesh, Vishnu, Shiva, Lord, Allah, and so on.

Devil (or Satan):

·       Usually portrayed as a fallen angel or a rebellious entity.

·       Devil is linked to traits like evil, dishonesty, pride, and manipulation. 

·       They are frequently perceived as an enemy or tempter that stands in the way of God and humanity.

·       Devils are said to be the personification of chaos, darkness, and sin.   

·       Some other common names of Devil are Satan, Adversary, The wicked one, The Evil one, the evil spirit, Old Serpent, Lucifer, Tempter, and more.

Key Differences:

- Nature: God is seen as kind and compassionate, while the devil is seen as evil and malevolent.

- Intentions: God is often depicted as seeking humanity's salvation and well-being, while the devil seeks to lead humans astray and cause harm.

- Power: God is typically considered all-powerful, while the devil's power is often limited or derived from humanity's free will.

Remember that these are generalizations, and that conceptions of God and the devil may vary throughout belief systems and interpretations.

God vs Devil: Who is more powerful?

God is regarded as all-powerful and supreme in many religious traditions, such as Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, while the devil, or Satan, is viewed as a lesser entity with restricted ability. The concept is that God is significantly more powerful and authoritative than the devil.

For instance, in Christianity,

- God is regarded as omnipotent (all-knowing), omniscient (all-powerful), and benign.

- In contrast, Satan is believed to be a fallen angel who disobeyed God and was expelled from heaven. He is frequently portrayed as an enemy and adversary who is ultimately subservient to God.

Similarly, in Islam: 

- Allah (God) is revered in Islam as the universe's all-knowing and all-powerful creator. 

- Shaytan, often known as Satan, is believed to be a jinn, a supernatural entity that defied Allah and was expelled from paradise. He is seen as a deceiver and a tempter, but in the end, he cannot stop Allah's will. 

In these religious contexts, God's power is seen as limitless, while the devil's power is limited and ultimately subject to God's authority.

Does Hinduism have a concept of the devil?


Hinduism recognizes a number of beings and phenomena that can be seen as wicked or evil, rather than a single concept of the devil. Among them are:

- Asura: In Hinduism, a class of beings sometimes called demons or entities after power.

- Rakshasa: In Hindu mythology, a kind of demon or supernatural being that is frequently portrayed as having both good and terrible traits.

- Yakshas: In Hindu mythology, a class of supernatural creatures that are frequently portrayed as nature spirits or protectors of wealth and fertility. 

- Naraka: The Hindu equivalent of hell, where sinners are sent to suffer the consequences of their actions.

These are a few demons from Hindu mythology:

- Mahishasura: a demon who can assume multiple forms

- Mahabali: a kind demon king

- Narakasura: a demon with enormous strength and a despotic authority

- Poothana: a demon who attempted to assassinate young Lord Krishna 

- Hiranyakashipu: an unbeatable demon

- Ravana, the epic Ramayana's antagonist

- Kumbakarna: a colossal figure and Ravana's brother

- Bakasura: a terrifying demon with an endless desire

The idea of a devil or other wicked entity might change based on the particular tradition or scripture, and Hinduism is a broad and diversified religion with a wide range of interpretations and beliefs.

Final Words

According to various religious contexts, the devil's strength is restricted and eventually subservient to God's dominion, but God's power is perceived as unbounded. 

It's crucial to remember that these ideas change throughout religions and their interpretations, and not all belief systems present the devil as a weaker being. Certain belief systems could regard God as inferior to the devil, or perhaps as superior. 


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